remember that i wasn’t afraid
steady with the knife on slaughter day, clean with the machete on the boar’s throat
and when the deer tumbled past the dusk porch eighty-five years ago
it was me
on my wedding day with your grandfather’s shotgun
that bought meat into the house
gloves sodden
when we were pretending we weren’t hungry
fourteen brothers and sisters, nine who lived
the girls with white abanicos and the boys squinting in the low sun
a long line of us, white shod for the camera
i was the only one with green eyes, no fool
no one believed what i could fill the world with
the power to strip out the shadows
that clung
to the hillside by the village
the edges of the cane field
the corners of rooms where the laughter was brittle
no one believed that i wasn’t afraid
trundling off the mountain
the rebels came for bread
in the deep night, skinny nephews
hunched in the brief
space between revolutions,
armies fed through farmhouse windows
while the guajiros sang
freedom songs
i was free
the hand in the heart
of the river valley
your other grandmother the healer
me the magician
i ignited the fire
in the sugar cane
i walked into it
not ashamed to move on
and be sucked into the sky
your covered face and ears
the saccharine dreams
encircling you
headaches, asthma, tumors
the fierce ways you refuse
to hold me
because your hands
are full of fear
fill them with me instead
hold me, cielo
and feel that the warmth is enough
when you let go before
burning it will be
your choice

Geleni is a fat, queer, trans and non-binary, sick and disabled, working class, first-generation Latinx surviving gentrification. They focus on healing while doing healing work with others, and they're a lifelong poet.
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