my blood is champagne music when i decide to love the smell
of sawdust. here, woodchip milkfroths my little finger, radon glowing
me to rock of poison — the house is inside of me starting
with the deadbolt. i beg of thee, believe ghosts come a-framed, ceilings
sweltering with lady bugs; it’s a squall in here, fast & red & blinding. i don’t want
your antlers mounted at the roof of my mouth but here i am, a trophy
case or coffin. crawl through me; fun haus & mirrored hallway. my mother
standing on one end a scale beneath her feet like that day’s
mood ring & my fantasy of throwing it through the window, smashing,
to wood or else thorn. on the other end my own mirror & me in it & me in it
and all of the me contained in the hull of house, hating
my body as it accumulates half baths & foyers & the land of lakes
lady, getting bigger or smaller depending on the framing, nevertheless i’m craving
butter not always for me, but also for my mother i pray that the mirror-mirror
shows us what is wanted & that some of it is me

Kailey Tedesco is the author of She Used to be on a Milk Carton (April Gloaming Publishing) and Lizzie, Speak (White Stag Publishing). She edits for Luna Luna Magazine, co-curates for A Witch's Craft reading series, and teaches in Bethlehem, PA.
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