to grip headboard close throat over
estimate smile through fray
pillowcase reek with detergent to slow
supple gain traction breathe heavy
lidded and diminish to reduce to
giddy sensation flypaper skin spy
to thrash cardiothoracic to subdue
self to promise as empty
future-based comfort yes we
will go there yes we will do that
yes we will
to find it’s not
years i spend, but
a certain allotment of life
what i want is not impact
but velocity waking up
to you with morning lying
permanence suggestion of rest a big bay
window and excess of sunlight no
photosensitivity the days to grow
longer to shirk nightfall. everything is short-lived.

Kinsey Cantrell is a Brooklyn-based writer with work appearing or forthcoming in Black Warrior Review, Anomaly, Datableed, New Delta Review, and elsewhere. She can be found online at kinseycantrell.com or on Twitter @kinseymads.
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