People gather up people, and after
Marvel at the act, the act soon fading
But remembered (itself an act––fading)
Nevertheless, it’s also true that words
Gather up words, and strain to stay gathered
That straining becoming monumental
Until the base buckles, collapsing all
Nevertheless, the broken artifacts
The remainders of efforts big and small
Spark curiosity and desire
Prompting a plan to gather up people
Marveling at the plan itself, for a bit
Before pounding in the beams for a base
Then lowering the slab that’s now the stage
Rodrigo Toscano is a poet and dialogist based in New Orleans. He is the author of eleven books of poetry. His most recent books are The Cut Point (Counterpath, 2023), and The Charm & The Dread (Fence Books, 2022). Forthcoming is WHITMAN.CANNONBALL.PUEBLA (Omnidawn Books, 2025).